Crevettes à l'Indienne style Keralan | Barre de sauce Indienne

Keralan Style Indian Shrimp | Indian Sauce Bar

Ingredients R ecipe for one person (1 square of the bar) Recipe for 3 people (the whole bar)
60 gr of finely chopped onions.
Equivalent to 1/2 onion.
120 gr of finely chopped onions.
Or 1 large whole onion.
80g of shrimp or 10 large defrosted shrimp. 240g of shrimp or 30 large shrimp, defrosted.
80g of diced zucchini or 1/2 zucchini. 240 g of zucchini cut into cubes.
Or two small whole zucchinis.
30g cherry tomatoes or 3 tomatoes cut in half. 90g cherry tomatoes or 9 tomatoes cut in half.
1 to 2 good pinches of salt. 3 to 4 good pinches of salt.
1 square of the bar. The full bar
(3 squares).
10g of mustard or 1 good tsp.
30g of mustard or 3 good tsp.
100 ml of coconut milk.
1/4 can.
300 ml of coconut milk.
2/3 canned.
125 gr of rice. 375 gr of rice.
Fresh coriander and lime, to your liking.



  1. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil into your pan.
  2. Add the finely chopped onion. Let it brown for 2 minutes.
  3. Add the shrimp. Cook for 2 minutes again.
  4. Then add the zucchini and tomatoes.
  5. Salt everything to your liking. We put 2 pinches of salt for a recipe for one person.
  6. Add a square of the bar (recipe for one person). The entire bar for a recipe for 3 people.
  7. Add 30 ml of water to melt the bar.
  8. Add the spoonful of mustard then the coconut milk.
  9. Let everything simmer covered for about 7 minutes.
  10. Serve over rice.
  11. Sprinkle with coriander and squeeze some lime, it's delicious!
  12. Enjoy your food !

Note: The bars are intentionally very lightly salted to suit all diets. To enhance the taste, feel free to salt your recipes to your liking.

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